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WGTC Radio #63 – Grand Theft Auto Retrospective & Mass Effect 3 Discussion

In a rather odd turn of events, we wound up taking what was a completely dry week in terms of topical content – no big news, games, or movies broke in the past seven days – and wound up recording one of our longest podcasts ever! Talk about overcompensating.


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It’s time for another episode of WGTC Radio, the official podcast of We Got This Covered! Remember to subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

In a rather odd turn of events, we wound up taking what was a completely dry week in terms of topical content – no big news, games, or movies broke in the past seven days – and wound up recording one of our longest podcasts ever! Talk about overcompensating.

With Grand Theft Auto V arriving tomorrow, we decided it would be appropriate to look back not just at prior titles in the franchise, but also at other recent Rockstar games we love. Think of that as our main topic – although afterwards, we then transition into our long-promised discussion of Mass Effect 3, which turned out to be an even longer segment. We have been telling listeners we would do a big Mass Effect 3 ending discussion since the earliest days of our podcasting careers, and while the game is almost two years old at this point, now seems like about as good a time as any to do so, what with a whole new generation of consoles on the horizon. In any case, if you are a big Mass Effect fan like us, this segment is for you – we dive as deep as we can into the ending, which both of us love unreservedly, to give our specific readings and interpretations.

The episode is bookended by some more random material, including Sean telling us some flood stories after the recent flooding disasters in Colorado, specifically Boulder, which is where we record this podcast. I give a short review of the new Dragon Ball Z movie, Battle of Gods, which is now on Blu-Ray in Japan, and at the end, we go off on several random tangents before finally stopping the recording mid-sentence. Because if we did not, the podcast would never end.

Enjoy the show, and come back next week for our full review of Grand Theft Auto V!


Intro/Colorado Flood Recap: 0:00:00 – 0:18:54

Jonathan talks Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods: 0:18:54 – 0:37:17

Grand Theft Auto/Rockstar Games Retrospective: 0:37:17 – 1:35:50

Mass Effect 3 Ending Discussion: 1:35:50 – 3:02:00

Random Tangents: 3:02:00 – 3:12:06

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