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WWE ’13’s Universe 3.0 Mode Lets Players Control The Program

Have you ever had that thought that you could do better than the writers at WWE. Well, now you've got the chance to prove it with WWE '13's new and improved Universe 3.0 mode.

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Have you ever had that thought that you could do better than the writers at WWE. Well, now you’ve got the chance to prove it with WWE ’13‘s new and improved Universe 3.0 mode.

New features include the ability to put together entire shows and PPVs around the storylines you craft. Full stat tracking is also included.

What’s most exciting is the revelation that Paul Heyman, one of the brilliant minds behind some of the most memorable moments in the industry, is assisting THQ with the creation of storylines and branching moments.

The game is shaping up to be the most robust wrasslin’ game of all time and October 30 can’t come soon enough.

Have a look at the screenshots and trailer for Universe 3.0.