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WWE 2K15 Gets Two New Promotional Videos

Just one week ahead of its release, 2K has released a couple of new videos for WWE 2K15; one that will explain the brand new My Career mode, and another that will enlighten gamers on the updated control scheme for the new generation of consoles.

Just one week ahead of its release, 2K has released a couple of new videos for WWE 2K15; one that will explain the brand new MyCareer mode, and another that will enlighten gamers on the updated control scheme for the new generation of consoles.

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What’s most interesting about the video explaining MyCareer mode, though, is that there is an emphasis on teaching both gamers and wrestling fans what NXT is (because, God forbid, WWE would actually advertise the best show they have). Rant aside, NXT is the developmental territory where all superstars will begin their career. If they are successful enough then they will go on to bigger and better things, like live television, winning championships, and main-eventing WrestleMania.

The video on the controls is a bit misleading, however, as it really only explains the new game mechanics. The actual button layout is the exact same as what you would find on the last generation version of the game. Instead, this feature just discusses the new health bar, stamina mechanic, momentum system, and rock paper scissors reminiscent grappling, which honestly looks clunky and terrible. That said, I’ll reserve judgment until I test out the mechanic for myself.

WWE 2K15 is already available for last generation consoles, but will be released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One next Tuesday, November 18th.