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Xbox One Achievements Detailed, Console Pack Art Appears Online

Not to be outdone by Sony, Microsoft has also taken to the internet today to reveal the Xbox One console pack art (seen above). Additionally, the company has also detailed how Achievements will work on their new console.


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Not to be outdone by Sony, Microsoft has also taken to the internet today to reveal the Xbox One console pack art (seen above). Additionally, the company has also detailed how Achievements will work on their new console.

A lot of information was given by Microsoft’s Major Nelson but here’s the important stuff.

For one, your Gamerscore will carry over, a fact that I don’t think anyone ever thought would turn out to be false. Additionally, you’ll be able to unlock new content (maps and characters) through Achievements and all Achievements will be powered by Microsoft’s cloud, meaning they can be updated easily. Furthermore, Achievements will now have a social feed and lastly, they can also be earned in Apps (though App Achievements won’t give you Gamerscore).

Then there’s the new Challenge system. These “tasks” are set for a limited time (meaning they expire) and can be community oriented and may even require multiple players to achieve them. Check out the example that was given below:

“Imagine, for example, a game releases a headshot weekend challenge that requires players to cumulatively headshot 1 million baddies in a 3 day period. And every person who participates and meets the challenge’s goals gets the unlock on his or her achievement history and reaps its reward.”

That’s really the gist of it but head on over to Major Nelson’s blog to read the full report on how Challenges and Achievements will work on the Xbox One. It seems like it will be pretty similar to how it is now (which is a good thing) but just with a few new tweaks that will only serve to benefit the addictive feature.