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You can get 69 games for the price of ‘Hogwarts Legacy’ while supporting queer and indie creators

If we have anything to say about it, J. K. won't be Rowling in that dough for much longer.

Hogwarts Legacy screenshot showing a student stroking a creature's head
Image via Avalanche Software

Out right now to purchase all across the U.S. is Avalanche Software’s hotly anticipated video game Hogwarts Legacy, which somehow managed to reel in a considerable audience despite quite possibly being the most controversial title to ever exist. For the steep, steep price of $59.99 ($69.99 for higher-grade consoles like PS5), you too can enter the Wizarding World for yourself — but why would you?

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Not only is the price completely ludicrous (some might even say daylight robbery), but there’s no hiding the enormous backlash that Hogwarts Legacy has faced, especially as all the proceeds go to Harry Potter creator J. K. Rowling, who’s had nothing but close-minded bigotry to hurl at the transgender community. That’s lost her an enormous amount of respect from the LGBTQ+ community, so it’s no wonder they’re boycotting the game and campaigning for others to do the same.

Luckily, for anyone refusing to reward Rowling’s transphobic hate with stacks of cash, there are alternatives on which to spend one’s money that won’t be the equivalent of setting it alight and watching it burn right before your very eyes. Rather than supporting J. K. Rowling and her anti-trans beliefs, let’s direct our efforts into promoting independent developers who provide LGBTQ+-friendly content (and a lot of it!) for a much more affordable price. Plus, you’ll be supporting up-and-coming queer developers, so there’s really no downside.

KRITIQAL is a publication that “covers games as political instruments, artistic statements, and cultural objects. The site is maintained by Nathalie who created it in 2013 to write about small games in ways that were not being served by other publications.” Hosted by Nathalie, the all-new “Trans Witches are Witches” bundle — which takes the concept of witches and wizards and makes it more accessible and worthwhile for queer folk — just became available for purchase at the same rate as Hogwarts Legacy. Except this time, rather than one overpriced game that fills the pockets of a bigot, “Trans Witches are Witches” supports a consortium of indie developers comprised of over 56 creatives.

The official launch page — wherein interested parties can purchase the bundle — describes the collective project as “A bundle of witchcraft and wizardry without the transphobia, antisemitism, and alt-right grifters. Reject Hogwarts Legacy’s bigotry and support independent LGBTQ+ creators.” Curated by KRITIQAL, all proceeds from every purchase are split evenly between every creator, which is a much better investment than funding J. K. Rowling’s hate.

So what is it? Well, the “Trans Witches are Witches” bundle is over $300 worth of magic-themed games, music, zines, and other things from LGBTQ+ creators. It costs $60, but if you’re experiencing financial hardships or otherwise can’t afford the main bundle, KRITIQAL encourages the purchase of the sister bundle, which is a measly $10). The “Trans Witches are Witches” bundle will be available from Feb. 10 to Feb. 24, so why not splash your cash at someone (or someones) who actually deserve(s) it and won’t make you (if you’re trans) — or transgender people — feel bad about your (their) entire existence?