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ZombiU 2 Prototype Currently In Development

According to ZombiU's creative director Jean-Philippe Caro, Ubisoft Montpellier is currently working on developing a ZombiU 2 prototype. Assuming that Ubisoft likes what it sees from the studio's efforts, this means that a sequel to the survival horror Wii U launch title could someday shamble onto retailer's shelves.

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According to ZombiU‘s creative director Jean-Philippe Caro, Ubisoft Montpellier is currently working on developing a ZombiU 2 prototype. Assuming that Ubisoft likes what it sees from the studio’s efforts, this means that a sequel to the survival horror Wii U launch title could someday shamble onto retailer’s shelves.

In response to a fan on Twitter who asked about the potential for a ZombiU sequel, Caro stated the following:

“…thank you for your interest in zombiu. The team is working hard on a prototype. it´s too soon to tell you more.”

Backing up the possibility that we might someday see ZombiU 2 on the Wii U is a separate Twitter discussion that NeoGAF user “Cosmonaut X” had with ZombiU writer Antony Johnston late last week. In the back and forth Antony Johnston agreed that it would be “lovely” to see a sequel to ZombiU, by saying: “It would indeed. *says no more*.”

While there is no guarantee that the ZombiU 2 prototype will ever turn into an actual game, this is all potentially very good news for anyone who enjoyed the somewhat “polarizing” Wii U launch title. With that said, even if Ubisoft decides to spring for a full blown ZombiU sequel, it is likely pretty far out since the project is only in the prototype stage at this point.

We will keep an eye out for any word from Ubisoft about a possible ZombiU 2, and let you know as soon as anything comes up.