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Everyone remain calm, but the emotional support gator who inspired Alligator Loki has been kidnapped

The tragic tale of Wally the support alligator.

Wally image via Reddit, Alligator Loki image via Marvel Studios

If you’re a Loki superfan, then there’s a good chance you’re familiar with one very special character from the show: Alligator Loki. Appearing in season one episodes “The Nexus Event” and “Journey Into Mystery,” the hilarious scaled Loki variant quickly became a fan favorite. Unfortunately, the alligator that served as the model for Alligator Loki is missing, and its owners sent out a plea for help.

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Before we get into that, lets review just how awesome this character is on the show. Alligator Loki has has horns, is green (super important) and hangs out with all the other Loki variants.

The original Loki, Tom Hiddleston, recently commented on the obvious ambiguity of alligator Loki. “The question is, ‘Is he really Loki? Or is he just green?’” Hiddleston told Marvel.com. “It’s such a funny question that [the Lokis] all bicker about. One thing about Loki is that Loki loves to be right. And they all have a different opinion about this alligator.”

As for Alligator Loki’s origin, we know that he was “pruned by the Time Variance Authority” for committing a very serious crime. That crime? Eating a neighbor’s cat. His punishment? Banishment to the void. If you’ve never heard of Alligator Loki, but you’re familiar with the comics, you may be wondering “did I miss this character? Am I crazy?” …While we can’t help you with the latter, we can tell you that you are not wrong; Alligator Loki is a completely original character made specifically for the TV show.

Now to the alligator that was used as a model for the character. His name is  Wally The Emotional Support Alligator, and unfortunately he’s gone missing. In fact, someone posted on r/marvelstudios and laid out the whole troubling issue.

It turns out that Wally’s owner, Joie, took Wally to Georgia, where the poor alligator was kidnapped from his enclosure. He was then placed “on another person’s front yard.” That person, not knowing that Wally was one of the most famous alligators around, called a tracker. The tracker came and picked up Wally, thinking he was just another alligator on the loose.

When Joie asked about Wally’s whereabouts, the tracker said he “released Wally into a swamp with over 20 other alligators and said there was ‘little to no hope of finding Wally.'” That’s not a good sign. To add insult to injury, the tracker “has been reluctant to provide additional information and seemingly has changed their story a few times.”

While the owner is devastated, it’s no easy ride for Wally either. Poor Wally had “everything he’s ever known ripped away from him,” which is “extremely worrisome,” because Wally is a domesticated animal that often eats Cheetos.

The writer of the post asks that people go to “Wally’s Facebook page or his TikTok account” for more information. Hopefully they find Wally soon!