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How tall can Ant-Man grow?

Who says size doesn't matter?

ant man and the wasp quantumania
Image via Marvel Studios

Ant-Man just can’t catch a break; even Scott Lang himself knows that as far as the Avengers go, he’s not exactly killing it on the popularity scale, and while perhaps that makes the sparse moments with true fans more special, he’s also the Avenger that spearheaded Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. We all know there’s no recovering from that.

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But there is one thing that Ant-Man has going for him; he arguably boasts the most interesting powerset of the Avengers by quite a few orders of magnitude, and “interesting” doesn’t mean the flashiest or most exciting. No, if the great Brandon Sanderson has taught us anything about magic systems (and individual superpowers totally count as their own magic systems), it’s that drawbacks and limitations are always more interesting than the powers themselves.

And Ant-Man, with his size-shifting abilities, has plenty of restrictive nuances packed into those Pym Particles, most notably the severe physiological effects he must contend with if he stays giant for too long. But, when we say “giant,” what does that mean for Ant-Man specifically?

How tall can Ant-Man get?

ant man and the wasp quantumania
via Marvel Studios

At the moment, there’s no exact number for the limits of Ant-Man’s giant size; we know that, at one point, his limit was 65 feet, as was pointed out in 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp. In Avengers: Endgame, however, he quite noticeably eclipsed that height during the final confrontation with Thanos and his army. It’s entirely possible, however, that the unique adrenaline offered by the moment was what allowed Scott to go well beyond his limit (and yes, that is perfectly acceptable logic by comic book standards), so for now, we’ll call 65 feet the effective limit on Scott’s growing abilities.

How tall is Ant-Man?

Scott Lang aka Ant-Man
Image via Marvel Studios

With these numbers, Ant-Man is therefore capable of growing between roughly 11 and 12 times his regular height, which is five feet and 10 inches tall. We know this because that is the height of Paul Rudd, who plays Scott Lang, and we profoundly doubt the MCU has had the time to fuss about such details as Scott Lang’s normal, unaffected height.

How tiny can Ant-Man get?

ant-man and the wasp quantumania
via Marvel Studios

As for Ant-Man’s limits in the opposite direction, those are quite literally unobservable, as he’s capable of getting smaller than quarks (quarks, for the less science-inclined, are basically particles of particles). In other words, we don’t really have any way to measure how small Ant-Man can get; the best and most correct answer we can give is “small enough.”