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9 Actors Who Could Play Martin Scorsese’s Joker

To misquote the Clown Prince of Crime himself, everyone lost their minds yesterday when it was revealed that Warner Bros. are working on an origins movie for the Joker. It will be written and directed by Todd Phillips (The Hangover) and - here's the bit that people can't get their heads around - produced by the one and only Martin Scorsese.

5) Matt Smith

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Matt Smith might be beloved by sci-fi fans the world over from his time as the loveable, bow-tie-wearing Eleventh Doctor, but he’s a versatile enough actor to warrant being cast in an even bigger franchise in a very different role. After all, his old Doctor Who teammates Karen Gillan (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Arthur Darvill (Legends of Tomorrow) have already gotten into the superhero game, and Smith himself deserves a turn next.

We’re already used to him playing an eccentric clown who’s really a genius alien, so we know he would be a natural at playing an eccentric clown who’s really a demented psychopath as well. In fact, we’ve already had a glimpse at Smith turning to the dark side, back in Terminator: Genysis. While that movie was atrocious, it’s telling that Paramount planned to have Smith star in a major role in the sequels as the personification of Skynet.

On a purely aesthetic level, there’s also something about Smith’s distinctive profile that would be a perfect fit for the Joker. With his prominent features, the actor kind of looks like he’s just walked off a comic book page as it is.

4) Dan Stevens

Once known for his role in cosy period drama Downton Abbey, Dan Stevens has really proven himself as a gifted, chameleonic actor in recent years. Superhero lovers, in particular, will know him from his turn as David Haller in Fox’s Legion, a tangent of the X-Men universe.

As David, Stevens gives an energetic, magnetic performance as a man with extreme mental health issues who sees the world in a unique way from anyone else. Does that description sound like a certain pale-faced supervillain to you? While David is a heroic character, you can easily imagine Stevens transplanting the skill he’s shown in that role into a villainous part like the Joker. In fact, fans have already campaigned to see him suit up as the Reverse-Flash in Flashpoint.

The only thing is that Stevens might already have a comic book antagonist role lined up. It could lead to nothing, but rumor has it that he might be joining Legion showrunner Noah Hawley for the Doctor Doom solo movie, as the Fantastic Four’s nemesis himself.