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10 Actors Who Could Play Red Hood In The Batman

Surprisingly, Warner Bros. still hasn't dated the long rumoured Batman movie starring and directed by Ben Affleck. It could be that both parties are waiting to see how well Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice does before committing to anything (Affleck doesn't want another Daredevil after all), but rumours are already pointing to it being an adaptation of the classic "Under the Hood" storyline.

10) Kit Harington

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Kit Harington

Outside of Game of Thrones, Kit Harington hasn’t had a lot of luck. Both Pompeii and MI:5 were met with a tepid critical and commercial response, and as a result, his leading man status in the realm of film has taken a major knock.

That’s why a supporting role as the Red Hood in The Batman could work out well for him; providing there’s enough interest in the character (and if he’s written well, there really should be), Harington could also have the opportunity to star in his own solo spinoff, helping him get back on track once his time in Westeros wraps up. His shorter statureĀ also goes in his favour in this instance, andĀ the brooding we’ve seen from him as Jon Snow points to the actor being a great choice to play Batman’s damaged former sidekick.

9) Tom Felton

Tom Felton

Best known for playing the hateful Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies, it’s about time Tom Felton does something to change how he’s perceived as an actor. While Jason Todd is something of a villain, he’s also a sympathetic character in many ways, so this definitely wouldn’t just be a case of more of the same for Felton.

However, it’s the darkness which the British actor could bring to the character which is most exciting, as the kind of hatred Draco had for Harry really isn’t all that different from the way the former Robin feels towards Batman.

So, if nothing else, we already know he’d nail that aspect of the Red Hood. Felton could also no doubt accurately show off the arrogance and cockiness Jason had as a youngster if this movie features any flashbacks.