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10 Actors Who Deserve Superhero Movie Redemption

The superhero film genre, while sometimes lucrative, fun, and immensely popular, can be an unforgiving thing for those who fail to achieve greatness. While successful films like The Avengers or The Dark Knight trilogy are lauded for their achievements behind and in front of the camera, the genre's various flops and disappointments have left an undeniable mark.

5) Chris Cooper

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Chris Cooper TASM2

Chris Cooper is another casualty of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, though his loss is due more to a missed opportunity than anything else. Cooper, who has made a career out of playing disappointed fathers, was given the chance to portray the most quintessential disapproving patriarch in comics: Norman Osborn.

Unfortunately for Cooper (and for the audience), he was never given the opportunity to chew the scenery and only expressed is disdain for his son Harry in one single scene before being unceremoniously killed offscreen. His character had the chance of returning for The Amazing Spider-Man 3, as his disembodied frozen head is seen in a deleted scene – but that possibility is now gone thanks to the upcoming reboot of the franchise.

So, should the opportunity arise for another angry father to show up in a comic book film, give Cooper a call, would you?