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10 Actors Who Deserve Superhero Movie Redemption

The superhero film genre, while sometimes lucrative, fun, and immensely popular, can be an unforgiving thing for those who fail to achieve greatness. While successful films like The Avengers or The Dark Knight trilogy are lauded for their achievements behind and in front of the camera, the genre's various flops and disappointments have left an undeniable mark.

3) Bryce Dallas Howard

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We considered adding The Amazing Spider-Man‘s Emma Stone to this list, but if there’s one former Gwen Stacy in need of another shot at a superhero project, it’s Spider-Man 3 actress Bryce Dallas Howard.

Howard wasn’t bad as Stacy, but was given a terrible script and absolutely no character development to work with, making her role one of the most forgettable comic book movie parts in recent memory. Now that she’s matured a bit as an actress and proven that she can handle a successful tentpole installment (as evidenced by Jurassic World‘s record-shattering run at the box office), perhaps Marvel Studios should have her on speed dial.

Howard herself has stated that she’d love the chance to play Captain Marvel, and we’d definitely be on board with that.