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10 Actors Who Won Oscars For The Wrong Film

We like to pretend they don't mean anything, but at the end of the day, critics always find reason to pick holes in the annual Oscar results. Forrest Gump taking Best Picture, over Pulp Fiction? No way. Best Director for Robert Redford, not Scorsese? Insanity. Crash winning Best Picture, over Brokeback Mountain? Complete and utter bullshit.


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We like to pretend they don’t mean anything, but at the end of the day, critics always find reason to pick holes in the annual Oscar results. Forrest Gump taking Best Picture, over Pulp Fiction? No way. Best Director for Robert Redford, not Scorsese? Insanity. Crash winning Best Picture, over Brokeback Mountain? Complete and utter bullshit.

Seemingly nothing bothers a critic more, however, than when the Academy gets it wrong on actors. One argument has for the last couple of years been that Leonardo DiCaprio should have won an Oscar a long time ago, perhaps for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, or Catch Me If You Can, or The Wolf of Wall Street.

Another thing critics generally agree on regarding DiCaprio and the Oscars is that Leo won the award for the wrong film. While extreme survival jaunt The Revenant has already seemingly taken on modern classic status, few critics will tell you that DiCaprio delivers his finest work in it.

So, on that note, join us as we take a look back at ten other actors that won their Academy Awards for the wrong movie.