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10 Alternate Versions Of Batman That You May Not Know About

To many, Batman is the perfect superhero. His mythology is full of iconic elements - Gotham City, his origin story, his rogues gallery - and the character himself embodies the tireless thirst for justice and incredible courage better than any other comic book hero.

1) Flashpoint Batman

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Speaking of The New 52, that new continuity was kickstarted by the Flashpoint arc. When Barry Allen goes back in time to save his mother, he entirely changes the course of the DC universe. For instance, Aquaman and Wonder Woman are at war, Superman is imprisoned by the government and Bruce Wayne… is dead.

You see, in the Flashpoint world, it was little Bruce who was killed in Crime Alley. This resulted in his father Thomas becoming the Batman, one not afraid to kill his enemies and cut deals with criminals. Even more shocking is that this timeline’s version of the Joker is none other than Martha Wayne, with the death of her son sending her over the edge into insanity.

Since Flashpoint, the Thomas Wayne Batman has become hugely popular with fans. Many often call for a Flashpoint adaptation in the DCEU, with Jeffrey Dean Morgan reprising his role. The actor himself is actually up for it, too, so who knows, it might actually happen at some point.