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10 Alternate Versions Of Batman That You May Not Know About

To many, Batman is the perfect superhero. His mythology is full of iconic elements - Gotham City, his origin story, his rogues gallery - and the character himself embodies the tireless thirst for justice and incredible courage better than any other comic book hero.

7) Green Lantern Batman

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Ever wondered what Batman would be like if he had actual powers? Wonder no more…

In Batman: In Darkest Knight, Abin Sur doesn’t choose Hal Jordan but gives Bruce Wayne his power ring instead. At first, Wayne – taking up the identity Bat-Lantern – does a lot of good with his powers (for instance, arresting the Red Hood and stopping his transformation into the Joker). However, when he foils Sinestro’s plan, the Yellow Lantern runs amok in a bid to get revenge on the hero, killing Alfred and Jim Gordon. The act causes the Guardians of the Universe to request that Wayne give up his powers, but he refuses and goes rogue.

In short, we can safely say that, while he could do some good with them, superpowers would definitely go to Batman’s head and he’s far better off without them.

It’s worth a mention though that the hero has temporarily sported various different Lantern rings in DC’s regular continuity. You may remember that Jordan actually let him test out his ring once and on another occasion, Batman tried on a Yellow Lantern ring. In Blackest Night, Bruce Wayne was apparently resurrected from the dead by Nekron and became one of his Black Lanterns (well, sort of. It was actually later revealed to be a clone because, comics).