3) Wolverine Batman
Who are the two coolest, most badass heroes out there? Why, Batman and Wolverine, of course. So, wouldn’t you like to see them merged into one character? You wouldn’t? Oh, too late, it’s already happened.
Back in 1996, Marvel and DC teamed up to create Amalgam Comics – a limited series that blended together various icons from the two companies to create a new universe of heroes. For instance, Superman and Captain America became Super-Soldier, Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel became, er, Captain Marvel and Lobo and Howard the Duck became Lobo the Duck. Wait, what?
The most interesting was Dark Claw, otherwise known as Logan Wayne. An orphan given an adamantium skeleton by the Weapon X program, Dark Claw had a sidekick called Sparrow (a blend of Robin and Jubilee) and his arch-enemy was Hyena (Sabretooth/Joker). Oh, and he had one absolutely hideous costume.