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10 Important Moments From The Avengers: Infinity War Trailer

After what feels like eons of waiting, the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War is finally here - and it's just as epic and thrilling as we had hoped for! Packed full of Avengers, action, an ominous tone and lots of intriguing teases for what the movie holds, it doesn't drop too much all at once, as it saves quite a lot for future trailers and the actual film itself. For instance, the union of all of the heroes and a bigger role for the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Thanos Is Here

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Now, let’s spool back a little bit. Once again, it looks like poor old New York is going to be the centre of an apocalyptic alien invasion, as a gigantic extraterrestrial wheel arrives in the middle of the sky above the city. At least some of the Avengers are on hand, though – Strange, Wong, Banner and also Tony Stark.

As they gather to observe the scene, we get an ominous speech from an unseen Josh Brolin: “In time, you will know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right but to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.” In other words, your classic villainous “I’m gonna win” spiel.

And then the big moment comes and Thanos finally sets foot on Earth. After so much build-up, the big purple lug needed a grand entrance to make his mark, and causing a big scene in the middle of New York should do the trick. Also, kudos to the visual effects team for upping the game with Thanos since his earlier appearances.

The Iron Spider

Thanos’ arrival also happens to fall on an average school day for your friendly, neighbourhood Peter Parker, who senses the imminent danger while sitting on the school bus – with the hairs on his arm standing up, as a nod to his classic Spidey-sense.

The next time we see him, Peter is ready for battle – and he’s donned the so-called “Iron Spider” suit first seen at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming. At the time, Tony offered it to Peter as the outfit he could wear as an official member of the Avengers team. However, Peter turned it down. Now it looks like he’s going to need the upgrade to face off against the awesome might of Thanos. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look to be be enough though, as a later clip shows the Mad Titan slamming the webhead into the ground.

This is the first time we’ve seen the Iron Spider suit in action and it looks terrific. A great touch is the glowing green-tinted eyes that recall Spidey’s look from the comics over the past couple of years.