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10 Movies That Had Completely Different First Drafts

Making movies is hard work. Though the best films tend to make the process look easy, while lesser ones look like no effort was put in at all, the truth is usually not quite so clear cut. The folks behind an awful movie might have started with a strong idea and good intentions but somehow lost sight of what worked and what didn't. Those who bring us awesome movies, on the other hand, might have begun with a stinker and then polished it until it shined.

3) Twilight

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We’ll have to see whether it will stand the test of time, but a few years ago you couldn’t get away from the Twilight franchise. Stephanie Meyer’s vampire romance novels spawned a multi-movie series that raked in the cash despite getting mauled by critics and generally anyone who wasn’t a Robert Pattinson-obsessed teen.

Weirdly enough, though, an early version of the first movie nearly went off in a totally different direction. Back when Paramount had the rights to the books, they wanted to turn the series into a new Underworld-type horror-action franchise. Edward and Bella would have been rebooted as a kickass vampire couple fighting against evil FBI agents who were trying to wipe out vampirekind.

This would have been perhaps the only movie on this list that would have been better if it stuck to the original idea. Twihards would have been in fits, of course, but a whole new audience might have actually enjoyed the franchise.