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The 10 Best Performances Of 2016 (So Far)

Because of how the cinematic calendar is laid out, it tends to be that many of the best film performances come in the second half of the year. Studios and the distributors just love to get in on the end-of-year awards season race, and the best way to do that is to release the Oscar contenders in the usual peak September to December period.

2) Alden Ehrenreich – Hail Caesar!

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hail caesar alden ehrenreich

It takes a certain kind of confidence, insouciance and sex appeal to play Han Solo. In the Coen brothers’ screwball comedy Hail Caesar!, the future captain of the Millennium Falcon, Alden Ehrenreich, displays none of that. His Hobie Doyle, a minor star of cowboy pictures, is no emblem of cool but a naive, lovable doofus that can’t even manage to nail down one line of the new period drama he’s working on.


Ehrenreich may not be Han Solo material in Hail Caesar! (he’s a versatile actor: elsewhere, in the likes of Tetro, he’s proved he has the goods to headline the solo Solo movie), but he nonetheless gives perhaps the comic performance of the year in it. Always believable despite the character’s outrageousness, it’s a testament to Ehrenreich’s skills that in a cast including George Clooney, Ralph Fiennes and Scarlett Johansson he’s the inarguable standout.