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The 10 Best Performances Of 2016 (So Far)

Because of how the cinematic calendar is laid out, it tends to be that many of the best film performances come in the second half of the year. Studios and the distributors just love to get in on the end-of-year awards season race, and the best way to do that is to release the Oscar contenders in the usual peak September to December period.

8) Casey Affleck – Triple 9

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triple nine casey affleck

Though he’ll never be a star on the level of his lantern-jawed brother, Casey Affleck has in recent years become the go-to guy for any filmmaker looking for an offbeat leading man. Unlike his Oscar-winning sibling, Affleck the Younger isn’t traditional movie star material: the voice is high, almost grating. He has a baby face – still, aged 40 – and an uneasy grin that can be both appealingly awkward and downright threatening.


Such features, however – along with unmistakable acting ability, and a talent at subtle transformation – are the reason Affleck is so eminently watchable, even in his more slender roles. John Hillcoat’s gruesome crime thriller Triple Nine is imperfect, and Affleck’s cop Chris Allen may not be a character with much personality on the page, but he makes a meal of the role anyway, playing the part with uncharacteristic toughness and charisma.