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10 Of The Best Movie Threequels Of All Time

5) Return Of The Jedi

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It may be the weakest in George Lucas’ original trilogy, but Return of the Jedi is still a damn fine blockbuster. In part it’s inferior because it jettisons the complexity and character focus of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, but none of that stops Jedi being a perfectly entertaining, effects-driven popcorn movie – Ewoks and all.

The opening scene alone makes up for any failings, summing up what makes this movie so fun by being so endlessly creative. The heist in Jabba’s Palace sees Lucas – working with his biggest ever budget up to that point – throw every idea he’s presumably ever had for this series at the wall, with wacky background characters and madcap set pieces galore. What follows is a B-movie that’s still the last best Star Wars movie to date.