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10 Characters We Want To See In X-Men: Dark Phoenix

After the misstep that was 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse, 20th Century Fox will be hoping that the upcoming X-Men: Dark Phoenix will set the mainline X-Men movies back on track and raise them up to the level of spinoffs Logan and Deadpool, which have eclipsed the core franchise in recent years.

2) Mr. Sinister

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Remember that tease at the end of X-Men: Apocalypse about Essexcorp? It immediately got fans excited that comic book ubervillain Nathaniel Essex AKA Mr. Sinister was making his way to the movies. It was generally accepted that he would be the main villain of Logan, but that didn’t turn out to be the case. Though it is possible he was behind the evil schemes of Transigen.

So, what’s happening with Mr. Sinister? Have director/producer Simon Kinberg and his team decided to go in a different direction and drop that post-credits tease – it wouldn’t be the first time that the X-Men franchise has taken a sharp swerve left. Or is Sinister going to become Fox’s version of Thanos? A powerful big bad who waits in the shadows until he steps into the light in an event movie at some point in the future?

We have a feeling it will be the latter and if that’s the case, it’s probably time to see Mr. Sinister in the flesh. Nothing major, just a quick glimpse at the villain, ala Thanos’ cameo at the end of The Avengers. Fingers crossed for Bryan Cranston!