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10 Child Actors To Keep An Eye On

The most interesting thing about child stars is their potential. If they've already made it in the entertainment industry as minors, what are they going to be capable of when they’re grown up? Because of how little acting experience they've had, these kid stars can be very hit or miss. Some are cute but forgettable set decoration, some are precocious but ultimately playing themselves, and some seem great at memorizing lines but can’t seem to bring any emotion to the roles they’re playing. Then you've got a tiny, tiny percentage of child actors who really seem to get it – they don’t need to be told how to emote, or how to interact with the camera, or anything like that. With that in mind, these are the ten child stars of today that I think should weather the storm of puberty and make it through to the other side as legitimate adult actors.

2. Chloe Grace Moretz

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Obvious choice, right? Almost too easy? Occasionally quality trumps my desire to be fresh and original, and Chloe Grace Moretz really is that good. She’s one of those kids you see once or twice every decade, like Jodie Foster or River Phoenix. They don’t need to be taught how to act, it just comes naturally to them.

Chloe caught my attention for the first time as Hit-Girl in Kick Ass (12 year olds wielding handguns and muttering obscenities tend to have that effect on people). Since then, I have genuinely been excited for every new project she comes out with (possible exception: Dark Shadows). For me, she has a status that I don’t normally award people until they’re much older and more experienced. Whenever she chooses a project, I can pretty much be assured that it’s going to be a quality production. I trust her judgment, I trust the judgment of a fifteen year old child star. That doesn’t happen too often.

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