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10 Comic Book Characters You Probably Never Knew Were In DC Movies

Superhero films often slip in characters who are important in the comics into small roles. Here are 10 characters you might have missed in DC movies.

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Comic book movies, particularly those adapting the more major characters, have their work cut out for them condensing the superhero’s manifold adventures in the comics into just one film. Even if it spawns a franchise, there is no way all the villains, allies and assorted side characters connected with the hero can be brought to the big screen.

As such, filmmakers often fill their superhero movies with nods to the source material, and in particular often slip in characters who are important in the comics into small roles. Perhaps the first example of this was the cameo of appearance of General Zod in 1978’s Superman, setting the character up for a larger role in Superman II. This, however, is but the tip of the iceberg.

Recently we brought you “10 Comic Book Characters You Never Knew Had Appeared in Marvel Movies,” and given the positive response we’ve had to that article, we decided that now it’s time we had a look at those you might have missed in DC Comics films.

As always, if you’ve noticed any we didn’t, let us know down in the comments section!