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10 Directors Who Should Make A James Bond Movie

This coming Tuesday, February 12th, Sam Mendes’ Skyfall arrives on DVD and Blu-Ray, thus completing its staggeringly successful $1 billion-plus run around the globe. Now that the dust has settled around what many consider to be one of the very best James Bond films, it seems like as good a time as any to start thinking about the future of the franchise – especially when Skyfall itself put so many promising pieces in place for upcoming installments.

Tomas Alfredson

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First on the list is a director who will probably never work on this series – Alfredson does not seem to be the type interested in big-budget blockbusters – but would probably make a pretty spectacular Bond film if he did. Alfredson directed one of the all-time great horror films with Let the Right One In, and while that film showcased a miraculous eye for visuals, tension, and character, it is his most recent effort, the fantastic Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, that showcased his ability to tell a truly great spy yarn. And while Tinker is a classical, slow-burn espionage piece – devoid of the intense action that populates most Bond films – we should remember that James Bond is a spy, not an action hero, at heart, and some of the best Bond films – like Skyfall – are the ones that focus on 007’s ability as a detective. I think it would be fascinating to see Alfredson fuse his precise, highly intellectual style with the world of James Bond; the results would be unlike anything we have ever seen before, and that could be a very good thing.

And who knows? Maybe Alfredson could even get Tinker star Gary Oldman to come on board as a villain…

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