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10 Easter Eggs You May’ve Missed In Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is now in cinemas worldwide, meaning fans are at last getting to see how the first decade of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is wrapped up. As you might expect, it's pure fan-service and rewards those who've followed the past 22 films over 11 years for their loyalty by making a movie that's really just for people who know their MCU in and out.

Avengers: Endgame

Cap Is Worthy

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Steve Rogers got a budge out of Mjolnir back in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but in Endgame Cap finally manages to wield the hammer of the God of Thunder properly in the midst of the final battle with Thanos. This is just one of the many moments fans have been waiting to see in the MCU, too, as it’s a scenario that’s played out a few times in the comics.

Another thing we’ve been waiting to see for the longest time is for Cap to finally announce “Avengers assemble!” And at last he does, as a rallying call to the legion of heroes to attack. He’s not actually holding Mjolnir at this point, but the fact that this phrase is uttered in the same battle scene as Cap finally lifting the Asgardian weapon suggests the Russos were inspired by this iconic comic book panel, from Fear Itself: 

In the comics, this was the moment Steve Rogers returned to claim the mantle of Captain America again. It’s fitting that the MCU would invert this moment, then, by making it part of his final stand as the hero.