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10 Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed In Solo: A Star Wars Story

Solo A Star Wars Story is finally here, and as you might expect, it's full of easter eggs, references and callbacks to the previous adventures set in the galaxy far, far away. Being a prequel that fills in the early years of the scruffy-looking nerf herder, now played by Alden Ehrenreich, it gets to pick up and tie together, or at least be inspired by, many storylines and characters from various movies, TV shows and even old EU novels.

Why The Falcon Has A “Peculiar Dialect”

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Speaking of the Millennium Falcon, you might recall that C-3PO is perplexed by his communication with the ship in The Empire Strikes Back. “I don’t know where your ship learned to communicate,” the droid says at the time, “but it has the most peculiar dialect.”

In Solo: A Star Wars Story, we learn the surprisingly tragic reason for this. When Lando’s first mate, the rebellious robot L3-37, is shot and killed in the battle on Kessel, the crew decide to link her brain up to the Falcon’s mainframe so that they can access her extensive navigational computer to help them make the difficult escape. Presumably, then, something of the droid’s free-spirited personality survived, which is why Threepio is so taken aback by the ship’s “peculiar dialect” in Empire.

Curiously, The Last Jedi novelization revealed that the Millennium Falcon’s mainframe is actually made up of three separate “cannibalized” droid brains. It’s unclear whether the other two were part of the ship before this point or were integrated later on, though.

The Rebellion Begins

It’s revealed over the course of Solo: A Star Wars Story that the masked Enfys Nest is not the fearsome, evil space pirate that Beckett’s crew had believed her to be. In fact, she’s actually a young woman who’s trying to fight against the Empire by inheriting the feared mantle that her mother had cultivated before her. She convinces Han and Chewie to give her people the valuable coaxium and rise up against Dryden Vos and his Imperial bosses.

When the duo keep to their word and return the coaxium to them, Nest calls the substance “the blood that brings life to something new” and namechecks the Rebellion. The implication is, then, that the Cloud Riders have ties to the Rebel Alliance. We’re not exactly sure of the timeline of Solo, though, so it’s possible the Alliance might not even be a cohesive organization at this point. Maybe the coaxium helps fund the Rebellion?

She also asks Han to join them, effectively asking him to become part of the Rebellion. He turns the offer down, but she hopes that he’ll reconsider one day. That he will, Enfys, as Han will go on to become known as, as Finn later describes him in The Force Awakens, “the Rebellion general.”