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10 Epic Action Sequences That You Can Watch Over And Over Again

If you go on Wikipedia – or any other analogous website of your choosing – and check the list of highest-grossing films of all time, you might make a (not so) shocking discovery: it’s an action extravaganza! Indeed, aside from a couple occasional flicks about Ice Queens, talking toys and sinking ships (the last of which, by the way, I have no idea why it’s there), the whole list is dominated by action movies. You have your Avengers, your Pirates, your Transformers and so and so on. In fact, about 16 of the 19 movies that have made over a billion dollars worldwide are categorized as – you guessed it – action.

8) Neo vs. Smith(s) – The Matrix Reloaded

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From what I’ve understood, there’s a lot of mixed feelings about this second entry in the Wachowski’s definitely-a-bit-strange-but-equally-as-entertaining action/sci-fi trilogy. I know, right, a sequel people didn’t like as much as the first movie – that’s unheard-of!

Thinking back though, there’s actually a handful of memorable action sequences in Reloaded. There’s the chateau battle, the “upgrades” fight, Seraph’s test, the highway chase, etc. But the one that stuck with me the most was the burly brawl scene where Neo had to once again fight Agent Smith. Only this time, there’s hundreds of him.

Yes yes, the CGI might be a bit too obvious for today’s standards and the duration too long… but regardless of the infinite number of (minor) complaints your friendly neighbourhood cynic might come up with, the scene still holds its own. And the reason? Because it’s cool as hell!

Be that the amazing fight in general or the catchy soundtrack that does it, but this is definitely one of those scenes you can watch over and over without it losing its value.

On a totally different note, is it just me or does one of the CGI Smiths literally fall apart when Neo strikes him against the apartment building window with the pole?