7) Ark Convoy – Raiders of The Lost Ark
He might be breaking his legs on his own spaceship’s hydraulic doors these days, but there was a time when Harrison Ford was chasing down Nazi convoys with just horses, fists and bare will in order to stop them from keeping any historical items to themselves.
All joking aside, the Desert Chase is indubitably one piece of Hollywood entertainment that hasn’t gone old over the years. True, the contemporary movie world might be all about massive transforming robots, grown men dressing in superhero costumes and one tiny Hobbit – but the good ol’ Indy will never be forgotten. At least if Spielberg and Lucas get to decide (I’m still waiting on that next re-re-re-re-release).
Nevertheless, the truck sequence is filled with compelling action, amazing cinematography, superb acting and most of all: great fun. It hasn’t lost its effect over these 30 years – and it probably never will.