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10 Epic Action Sequences That You Can Watch Over And Over Again

If you go on Wikipedia – or any other analogous website of your choosing – and check the list of highest-grossing films of all time, you might make a (not so) shocking discovery: it’s an action extravaganza! Indeed, aside from a couple occasional flicks about Ice Queens, talking toys and sinking ships (the last of which, by the way, I have no idea why it’s there), the whole list is dominated by action movies. You have your Avengers, your Pirates, your Transformers and so and so on. In fact, about 16 of the 19 movies that have made over a billion dollars worldwide are categorized as – you guessed it – action.

4) Train Brawl – Spider-Man 2

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As I just mentioned, the end battle in Avengers is indeed impressive, but in the end it can’t compete with the Train Brawl sequence that unfolds in Spider-Man 2 – the best Spidey film to date. And the reason is: consistency, emotional investment and controlled chaos (just to name a few).

The life of dear M.J. serving as the motivator, the sequence has Spidey return to fight Doc Ock – and boy oh boy do they go at it. And I really do mean it. They go from fighting on top of a clock tower to fighting in mid-air to fighting on top a moving train (I’m beginning to sense a pattern here).

All in all, it’s an amazing sequence, and though the CGI is exactly the same as in Matrix Reloaded’s case, it definitely earns its spot as one of the best action sequences of all time.

Now if Marc Webb just could pull off something even remotely close to this, I’m sensing good things in the Webhead’s future.