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10 Extraordinary Partnerships Between Composers and Directors

I find the relationship between music and film not only fascinating, but absolutely essential to my understanding and enjoyment of the medium. Good music does not guarantee a good film, of course, but the best movies tend to be the ones that make the most meaningful use of music, and the greatest scores are almost always written for truly incredible works of art.

[h2]9. Alan Silvestri and Robert Zemeckis[/h2]

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Though far from the greatest or most noteworthy director and composer on this list, Zemeckis and Silvestri have done more than enough great work together to qualify here. Silvestri is a composer I run hot and cold on, but he is at his absolute best when working alongside Zemeckis, and I cannot imagine classics like Romancing the Stone, Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or Forrest Gump with a different composer. Even at Zemeckis’ weakest – such as his long stint in the world of motion-capture animation throughout the 2000s – Silvestri always turns in great work for the director, and more often than not, Zemeckis gives him plenty of strong cinematic material to work with. Last year’s Flight, Zemeckis’ first live-action feature since Cast Away, was a pleasant reminder of what both men can achieve at their best, and I look forward to seeing many more collaborations between the two of them in the future.

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