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10 Franchises That Ended On A Massive Cliffhanger

Thanks to rising budgets and falling audience numbers, studios are increasingly relying on long-term franchises to keep themselves afloat. Practically every big budget movie now has to have the option for at least two sequels, and maybe a prequel and a spinoff, too.

3) Who Sent Arnold’s Terminator Back? – Terminator:

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Terminator: Genisys was an attempt to kickstart a new Terminator trilogy before the rights to the series reverted back to James Cameron. Unfortunately, the film was an utter mess, thanks to a confusing story, dull action and poor performances from Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney. It was also a box office disappointment, and Genisys is likely to be the last Terminator movie for awhile to come.

The film left a few dangling threads to be picked up in the next instalment though, like the post-credit reveal that Skynet survived the final battle. There’s also the lingering question of who exactly sent Arnold’s Guardian T-800 back to protect young Sarah or what its ultimate goal is, which the story intentionally keeps vague.

It’s doubtful anyone liked the movie enough to care about the answers, though.