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9 Hated Superhero Movies That Really Aren’t That Bad

Superhero fans are often a hard bunch to please. As you can tell by dipping your toes into social media, Marvel and DC lovers have very specific ideas about how their favourite characters should be presented. Therefore, when a film goes against this view, it doesn't take much for it too be torn to shreds by the fans at large.


Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice – Ultimate Edition

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By this point, it feels pretty old hat to point out that Batman V Superman isn’t actually as bad as initial reactions said it was. While the theatrical cut was a bit of a mess, the Extended Cut – which comes in at 3 hours – fixes many of its issues and really helps clear up the previously muddled narrative.

Because, let’s be honest, even if we were all calling for a change, BvS‘ grand, almost mythical approach to the DC universe is preferable to the Marvel-aping, soulless efforts like Suicide Squad and Justice League that Warner Bros. has put out since. Whatever you think of the man’s style, Zack Snyder knows how to direct a scene and BvS is often a beautiful film to look at. And listen to. Seriously, Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL’s score is the finest in the DCEU to date. We’d urge you to give it another chance.

And can we please let the “Martha” jokes die now? It’s not that Bats and Supes became best friends because their moms have the same name – the name was a trigger for Bruce’s PTSD and a reminder that he wasn’t about to kill an evil alien, but a heroic human being.