10) Endgame
Endgame revolves around the “final” confrontation between Batman and The Joker, and there’s a lot in there which would almost certainly make the Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo tale a hit as an animated feature. For starters, it kicks off with the Dark Knight squaring off with the Justice League after they fall under the control of the Clown Prince of Crime, an action packed sequence that would be great to see brought to life in in an animated film.
[zergpaid]Endgame also teases The Joker’s history and makes it clear that he’s well aware Batman and Bruce Wayne are one and the same after he invades the Batcave, chops off Alfred’s hand and even taunts the hero about the murder of his parents. The story ends with both Batman and The Joker seemingly dying, which is something that has a lot of potential to be just as memorable as what we saw in The Killing Joke.