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10 Of The Least Comic-Accurate Superhero Movie Costumes

As we outlined in our list of 10 Extremely Comic-Accurate Superhero Movie Outfits, some comic book films get the look of their main character exactly right. Success doesn’t always equal simply borrowing ideas from the source material, but generally speaking, if filmmakers stick to what makes the character work on the page it will likely work on screen.

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7) Scarlet Witch

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On the other end of the scale, when Marvel brought Scarlet Witch to the screen in Avengers: Age of Ultron they changed the character’s look from the comics to ensure that the actress showed less skin.

Scarlet Witch’s outfit on the page is one of the most notoriously skimpy numbers in all of comicdon, so Marvel were never going to make Elizabeth Olsen wear that in the movie. Sadly, though, their alternative was to stick her in ordinary clothes, with just a plain red jacket to hint at the character’s classic colour scheme.

Civil War did a little better by giving her a cooler coat, but we really would like to see her wearing Wanda’s traditional crown next time.

6) Green Goblin (Dane DeHaan)


A formidable foe he may be, but the goofy look of the Green Goblin on the page has caused problems for both versions of the character seen on screen so far. Firstly, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man elected for a high-tech suit that replicated the goblin features but sadly covered up Willem Dafoe’s own face. It wasn’t perfect, then, but at least it was a whole lot better than the abomination that was Dane DeHaan’s Gobbie in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Though making sure we got to see the actor this time was definitely a good idea on paper, the make-up used to render DeHaan more goblin-like just makes the character laughable rather than frightening. Besides that, the idea of the mechanical glider and prototype Osborn suit is shamelessly ripped from Raimi’s version. It’s bad and plagiarizing.