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10 Of The Least Comic-Accurate Superhero Movie Costumes

As we outlined in our list of 10 Extremely Comic-Accurate Superhero Movie Outfits, some comic book films get the look of their main character exactly right. Success doesn’t always equal simply borrowing ideas from the source material, but generally speaking, if filmmakers stick to what makes the character work on the page it will likely work on screen.

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2) Batman/Robin/Batgirl (Batman & Robin)

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While all the ire directed at the terrible decision to add nipples to the Batsuit in Joel Schumacher’s movies is deserved, it shouldn’t be forgotten that the entirety of the outfits from those films are awful. The worst offenders are the Batfamily’s costumes from Batman & Robin, worn during the film’s climax.

Everything is at fault here. Homogenizing the character’s looks – as in swapping Robin’s red and Batgirl’s usual purple for a metallic blue – takes away their individual appeal. Furthermore, the silver detailing is ugly and the chest-hugging batsymbol is just too far removed from the beloved black logo. And do we even need to draw your attention to those oversized codpieces?

Alfred, what were you thinking when you designed these?