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10 Movies That Are The Black Sheep Of Their Franchises

If a film is lucky (aka lucrative) enough to spawn a series, the law of averages dictates at least one sequel will suck. And not just suck, but suck really, really bad. It may even be so poorly regarded that afterwards the franchise will semi-reboot, with the next movie ignoring it completely.

5) Friday The 13th: A New Beginning

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The fourth Friday The 13th movie was dubbed The Final Chapter, as it was intended to conclude the series. It ended with Jason being hacked up, but when it made a boatload of money, another sequel was thrown together a year later – because, Hollywood.


The plot has Tommy – the boy who killed Jason – entering rehab with other troubled teens. It soon looks like Jason has returned and is chasing Tommy for revenge; though this turns out to be wrong. The end reveals that the true killer was a vengeful doctor seeking revenge for his son’s death at the halfway house. It also shows that Tommy has gone insane, which would have set him up as the next killer in the franchise.  Fans weren’t having any of that though, so Jason came back for Part VI; a wise decision.