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10 Possible Oscar Contenders From The First Half Of 2014

We're somehow already at the mid-way point for 2014, which means it's just about time to start talking about the best we've seen at the multiplex in the first half of the year. And though this fall will be stocked to the gills with some tremendous films, the first six months of 2014 weren't exactly a barren, cinematic wasteland either.

6. The Raid 2

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Best Foreign Language Film? You bet this jaw-dropping action masterpiece stands a chance – and it should. In the hands of Gareth Evans, The Raid 2 is one of the best action films we’ve seen in years – if not indeed, as our reviewer Dominic Mill raved, “the greatest action film ever made.” Evans choreographs action with a balletic grace that brought amazed tears to my eyes, and every action sequence in The Raid 2 is an instant classic. I can recall each of them now with perfect clarity – and I can’t claim the same for any other action movie, not even my beloved Die Hard. It’s beautiful, brutal and absolutely unforgettable.

I’d advocate for Gareth Evans for Best Director, but we all know he doesn’t stand an ice cube’s chance in hell. So instead I’ll simply put forth The Raid 2 as a film that really should be in contention for Best Foreign Language Film. Oscar, take notice. It’s one of the best films in a genre teeming with cinematic classics, which should say something. We’ll look back on The Raid 2 as one of this decade’s finest action accomplishments – of that, I have no doubt.