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10 Possible Oscar Contenders From The First Half Of 2014

We're somehow already at the mid-way point for 2014, which means it's just about time to start talking about the best we've seen at the multiplex in the first half of the year. And though this fall will be stocked to the gills with some tremendous films, the first six months of 2014 weren't exactly a barren, cinematic wasteland either.

7. Jodorowsky’s Dune

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jodorowsky's dune

An absolutely fascinating documentary about surrealist Alejandro Jodorowsky’s epic, unmade adaptation of Frank Herbert’s DuneJodorowsky’s Dune is a highly entertaining watch that makes us wish Jodorowsky’s passion project had come together. If the picture this doc paints is accurate, it would have been one hell of a film (not to mention one that was at one point 14 hours long). With insightful interviews from the director and those who worked with him on the ill-fated project, Jodorowsky’s Dune is likely the closest any of us will get to seeing the actual movie.

I’m anticipating that Jodorowsky’s Dune will ride the wave of critical acclaim it has received all the way to an Oscar nomination for Best Documentary Feature. For one, it’s about the movie-making process, and there’s nothing that filmmakers love more than honoring that. For another, voters will want to pay tribute to the tireless work of Jodorowsky and show him that, though Dune will remain unfinished, his efforts did not go unnoticed and unappreciated.