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10 PG-13 Movies That Should Have Been Rated R

It's hard being a Hollywood studio. You want to give your directors free reign to include as many boobs, corpses and 'f**ks' as possible to draw in the older audiences, but what about the children? Won't somebody please think of the children!? Simpsons references aside, Hollywood has long struggled to maximize their audiences to draw in the most money while still rating movies appropriately for kids.

4) Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)

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While there is almost no nudity in Brad Pitt’s and Angeline Jolie’s violent love-fest, Mr. and Mrs. Smith contains more than its fair share of provocative imagery, including strong implications of rough, violent sex and and Jolie whipping a target while dressed as a dominatrix prostitute.

Bizarrely, the PG-13 rating also allows the limited use of bad language, so Mr. and Mrs. Smith features a few uses of the word shit and one mention of fuck… because hearing the word fuck onceĀ is soooooo much better for children than hearing it five or ten times. Right?

As has become standard with this list, violence also occurs in spades, with a ten-minute shoot-out taking up the bulk of the film’s finale. Over fifty agents die, but it’s fine because there’s no blood. Death isn’t really traumatic if there’s no blood… said no one ever in the real world.