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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Quentin Tarantino

It isn't long 'til Quentin Tarantino's seventh movie Django Unchained hits theatres, and going by the early reactions it's looking to be a doozy. After he's brought us defining works in the gangster, blaxploitation, samurai, war and slasher genres, we're practically giddy to see just what Tarantino has done with the spaghetti western. So whilst we wait for Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz to don their cowboy hits and ride out to meet Leonard DiCaprio, we've put together a list of 10 things you probably didn't know about Quentin Jerome Tarantino to help pass the time. We won't count his middle name - "Jerome" - as one.

4. Tarantino dated Sofia Coppola – and there’s a double movie reference to prove it!

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At some point between 2002-2004, Quentin Tarantino hooked up with Francis Ford Coppola’s filmmaker daughter Sofia Coppola (The Virgin Suicides), though the two amicably split soon afterwards (Tarantino even voted for her to win at the Golden Lion at The Venice Film Festival in 2010, which she did).

However, there’s a neat little nod to this former relationship that film fans have been eager to point out ever since – both their 2003 movies Kill Bill, Vol 1. and Lost In Translation are set in Japan, and both contain a Japanese character called “Charlie Brown.” Utter coincidence, or a cool reference to the fact they were dating at the time?