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10 Reasons Why Warcraft: The Beginning Might Be The Worst Film Of The Year So Far

Duncan Jones is a rare kind of filmmaker. Unsullied by the often cynical business he’s in, he always seems genuinely surprised and elated that he gets to be a movie director for a living. He’s the nice guy of sci-fi, a down-to-earth nerds’ nerd that seem like he might actually be, as he claims, a hardcore World of Warcraft-er. Which is why it’s so hard to trash his latest movie.

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Don’t worry, though, Jones is going to be OK. He’s still a proven talent, and there’s good reason to believeĀ – despite his insistence that he’s a big Warcraft fan – that he chiefly made the filmĀ in order to get the backing for his upcoming passion project, Mute. All the same, it can’t be ignored what a colossal failure Warcraft: The Beginning is, in almost every way you can imagine. Narrowing it down some, here are ten key reasons why it could actually be the worst film of the year so far.