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10 Reasons Why Warcraft: The Beginning Might Be The Worst Film Of The Year So Far

4) It’s Unintentionally Hilarious

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Go into Warcraft imagining it’s a comedy and you might have a marginally better time than those people who are trying to take it seriously. That’s because this movie is full of unintentionally laughable moments, several of which stand a good chance of being meme-i-fied in the near future. (unfortunately, that may be the only way Warcraft could have any lasting appeal.)

Ben Foster provides many of the funnies, as the notorious method actor brings his usual Day-Lewis-style intensity to a role which requires he fires lightning from his hands and grow giant horns out of his head. The moment with the most meme potential, however, has to be when Dominic Cooper’s King randomly summons a giant bird from the sky with the desperately serious line, “Here, take one of my eagles!”

Look out for it online in the near future.