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10 Things That Still Make No Sense In X-Men: Apocalypse

10) The Return Of Moira MacTaggert

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moira mactaggert apocalypse

Just why is Moira MacTaggert in Apocalypse? She was a minor character in First Class – so minor that she didn’t even return for Days of Future Past – and so memorable that a casual viewer might well be baffled by Rose Byrne suddenly turning up in the latest X-Men movie. But even putting those things aside, and taking into account all her contributions in the latest film, you still have to ask: just why is Moira MacTaggert in Apocalypse?


Anyone could have been parachuted in to play Charles Xavier’s romantic interest (and that whole business could have been approached in a less complicated way had Charles’ interest not been someone whose mind he’d erased), or explained the roots of En Sabah Nur. At the end of the day, it seems the MacTaggert character’s only role in Apocalypse is to take up room in an already too-large ensemble.