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10 Things That Still Make No Sense In X-Men: Apocalypse

9) Ageing

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If you thought Days of Future Past had an ageing problem – the problem being namely that the X-Men franchise had lurched forward more than a decade since First Class and the characters appeared hardly any older – then Apocalypse takes the issue to a whole new level. Wolverine and Mystique are good, seeing as how they don’t grow old, but what’s everyone else’s excuse for defying the ageing process?

How do you explain the fact that Charles, Erik, Hank et al appear to have aged just five years (the gap in production between the 1962-set First Class and the 1983-set Apocalypse) in twenty-one? If these characters were in their 20s and 30s in First Class, then they’re logically in their 40s and 50s in Apocalypse – yet they look almost as fresh as they did back in 1962. Makeup could have done the trick, but Bryan Singer doesn’t seem to have made even minimal effort.