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10 Things That Still Make No Sense In X-Men: Apocalypse

7) Michael Fassbender’s Accent

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We all know Fassbender’s accent was bad when he first took a crack at playing Erik Lehnsherr. Swinging from stiff upper lip Brit to irate Irishman and never once sounding Polish (the nationality of his character) or like Ian McKellen (the man who preceded him in the role), Fassbender was sorely in need of a dialect coach on First Class. Thankfully, by Days of Future Past, the problem appeared to have been solved, no coach required.


For the sequel to First Class, Fassbender took it upon himself to study McKellen’s subtle Lancashire-by-way-of-RSC twang, to the point where he delivers a fairly spot-on imitation of the actor. Finally, a coherent, believable-sounding Magneto. Unfortunately though, in Apocalypse, it’s all gone to shit again, as Lehnsherr once more spends his time trying to figure out whether he’s from Ireland or some particularly well-to-do corner of the UK.