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10 Things That Still Make No Sense In X-Men: Apocalypse

5) Quicksilver’s Music

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This was a problem in Days of Future Past that still very much applies to Apocalypse. There’s no doubt that Quicksilver has been the highlight of the past two X-Men movies, thanks to Evan Peters’ sparky performance and the inventive, humorous way Singer approaches Peter Maximoff’s super-speed scenes. There’s just one slight technical issue with how those play out, though.


When Quicksilver goes into hyper-fast mode, he moves at many times the speed of everybody else. We see from his perspective that time as we know it is moving incredibly slowly – and yet the music playing through the scene, the music he hears, plays at regular speed. Really, Peter should be hearing Eurythmics playing much, much slower than usual, as the tape runs at normal speed in comparison to his irregular movement.