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10 Things That Still Make No Sense In X-Men: Apocalypse

4) Apocalypse’s Plan

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It’s never exactly made clear what it is that En Sabah Nur wants with the people of 1983. At first, having witnessed what it is that humans have been up to during his long slumber (on TV, no less), he vows to build a better world “on the ashes.” Then he takes control of all the nuclear weapons on the Earth, seemingly poised to carry through his plan, and just fires the payload into space – thus saving mankind from itself.

Far from wanting peace on Earth, Apocalypse then has Magneto begin destroying the world anyway, in order to build a giant metal citadel for himself. At this point, Apocalypse reveals he wants to transfer himself into Charles Xavier’s body, thus taking his powers, even though Sabah Nur and his Horsemen are about to wreck the planet and leave no one for Apocalypse to use any new powers on.

Honestly, it’s all very confused and we still can’t figure out what exactly the guy’s plan was.