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10 Superhero Movies That Almost Turned Out Very Differently

The long process a movie goes through from initial pitch to making it to the screen can often result in some enormous changes from the original idea. Superhero movies, in particular, often fall prey to this. With ballooning budgets and the capacity to make hundreds of millions of dollars back, comic book films have a lot riding on them and so producers and studio execs will pour over them with a fine toothcomb during the development stages, in a bid to ensure that the movie will be a hit.

5) Batman

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In retrospect, it was the perfect decision to break up the Dynamic Duo and not feature Robin in 1989’s Batman and its sequel Batman Returns, as it helped establish the darker tone the film was going for. However, at first, the Boy Wonder was seen as such a big part of the Batman mythos that he almost featured in both movies.

First, he was going to appear in Batman, with Kiefer Sutherland lined up to play him until the character was removed from the shooting script. He got even closer to appearing in Batman Returns, though. Tim Burton’s idea for the character was for him to be a young black car mechanic. Marlon Waylans actually signed up for the part and attended costume fittings. Eventually, though, it was decided to hold him off until the third film, where he was played by Chris O’Donnell.