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12 Things You Might Have Missed In The Logan Trailer

Despite being one of the most beloved and iconic cinematic superheroes around, Wolverines's two solo movies do not rank among many people's top comic book movies. Both X-Men Origins: Wolverine and The Wolverine - in particular the former - squandered interesting premises as things devolved into mindless action. With the upcoming third Wolverine movie being Hugh Jackman's last appearance in the role after 17 years, there is a lot of pressure on it to step up to the plate and act as a terrific send-off to the character.

6) Reavers

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While Days of Future Past had giant chameleonic robots eradicating mutantkind, Logan‘s reason for low mutant numbers is more chillingly down-to-earth – a bunch of mercenaries with guns.

It’s previously been revealed that these are the Reavers. In the comics, the Reavers are a bunch of cyborg mutant hunters who look they had walked straight out of a Mad Max movie. To fit in with Logan’s more sombre, stripped-back tone, their movie equivalents don’t have the same ridiculous punk fashion sense. We can assume that the Reavers hunting for X-23 is what precipitates Logan, Charles and Laura going on the run.

At another point in the trailer, we see a convoy of heavily-armed men in vehicles labelled “Policia Federal.” We’ll leave you to work out the translation, but that does suggest the film will be set in South America and that our heroes are running from the law as well as the Reavers.